Stock Control System
General description of the nature of the system :

The system provides the following capabilities and advantages by defining data on goods categories :
- Indexing and classifying items tree-wise into six levels (vertical classification).
- Another horizontal classification of items according to the type of item in terms of whether it is a type of raw materials, a factory, a semi-factory, a type of purchased goods, a type of consumables, a type of services, or something else.
- Providing the ability to define multiple units for purchasing, storing and selling items, as well as specifying the grades of these units in terms of the smallest and largest, and the quantity packages for each higher unit with the lower grade unit.
- Providing the possibility of sorting the quantities of each unit of items according to the quality level of the quantity and thus providing the possibility of converting the quantity of a unit of an item from one quality level to another, either by increasing or decreasing the quality. This transfer by quality level has an impact on the value of the inventory in general accounting, either by increasing the inventory account balance. Or by decrease.
- The ability to define multiple selling prices for each quality grade of each quantity of item units.
- Providing the possibility of variation in the specific selling price of a unit of an item from one customer to another, from one branch to another, or from one sales showroom to another in the case of retail sales (points of sale).
- Providing the ability to sort the quantities of items through customer requests, branch requests, sale and return transactions, purchase transactions, receipt of goods, transferring them between warehouses and showrooms, and storage in warehouses at the level of colors or sizes of items, as well as at the level of production dates and expiration dates for the quantity of an item, and other sorting operations at the number level. Serial number of the item and batch number of manufactured items.
- Providing the possibility of defining alternative varieties for a variety.
- The system enables all suppliers of the item to be identified, indicating the item number, its purchase cost, and the duration of its supply for each supplier.
- Providing the possibility of archiving the image of the item within the item databases.
A data record for warehouses, showrooms, and storage locations for items includes the following details and capabilities :
- Providing the possibility of indexing warehouses and storage places according to their types, in terms of being a central warehouse, a branch warehouse, a representative’s car, a maintenance center, a materials storage site for a project, a warehouse affiliated with a maintenance center, or others, according to the nature of the company’s activity.
- The warehouse or showroom data contains bank or trust account numbers and cash funds associated with customer payments and warehouse or showroom payments for daily expenses.
- Providing the ability to define storage locations for each warehouse or showroom.
Daily financial movements and procedures related to the movements and movement of goods in warehouses :
- Recording the opening balances of the quantities of goods and materials for each warehouse, exhibition, or project.
- Internal transfers between warehouses and showrooms or between projects and receiving these transfers.
- Notices of correction of quantities of goods and materials.
- Notices of destruction of damaged goods.
- Automatic overloading or merging of items from one unit quantity of the item to another unit quantity of the same item through billing transactions, as well as the possibility of manual overloading or merging through a specialized screen.
- Automated movements to combine the quantities of units of items or substances to form a unit of a grouped item, as well as automatic movements to increase the quantities of a unit of a grouped item or material to the quantities of units of items or analytical materials that make up the unit of the grouped item or material.
- The system includes providing the ability to record the movement of transferring the quantity of an item from one quality grade to another quality grade, either by reducing or increasing the quality. This movement is accompanied by a reduction or increase in the value of the inventory through issuing an automatic accounting entry, with the recording of this movement reflecting the change in the inventory balance in the system. Warehouses have the same value in the general accounting system.
- Movements to re-evaluate the cost of goods by increase or decrease.
Daily administrative movements and procedures related to the movements and movements of goods in warehouses (inventory management) :
- Recording reservations of item quantities in warehouses and showrooms.
- Editing orders for automatic items and materials for unit quantities of items and materials by comparing their quantities with the minimum order for each warehouse, showroom, or project.
- The warehouse system provides every warehouse keeper, showroom manager, or project engineer, according to the powers granted to any of them, with the ability to register their orders for items and materials as needed, regardless of the minimum order for these items and materials. These manual orders are subject to review and approval procedures according to the powers.
- All previously approved automated or manual orders are subject to study through a specialized screen for provisioning and then directed by a user with authority to provide the required quantities from warehouses or other projects. If quantities remain unavailable within the current warehouses or projects, these quantities are converted into orders. Procurement mechanism within the procurement system in order to review and approve it so that it enters the purchasing cycle.
- Providing the possibility of issuing orders to transfer goods or materials by senior management directed to a specific warehouse or project for transfer to another warehouse or project.
The warehouse and showroom inventory system contains the following steps and procedures :
- Preparing inventory lists (for all warehouses and showrooms, or for a specific category of warehouses, or random inventory samples for a specific warehouse or showroom).
- Nominating inventory committees for each category of warehouses or showrooms.
- Recording, reviewing and approving inventory data.
The following figure shows an illustration of the structure of the warehouse inventory control system and its relationship to the sales and purchasing systems, as well as its relationship to the general accounting system :
The following is an illustration showing the structure of the main files of the warehouse inventory control system :
The following figure shows a statement of the inventory processes and stages :