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Training Management System

General description of the nature of the system :

This system targets all academic facilities and training institutes regardless of the nature of the training activity and serves all types of training systems. The following is an explanation of the initial settings and the main functions of the system. This system also provides linking and automatic influence on customer accounts systems, suppliers accounts, bank accounts, funds, trusts and the accounting system This system is also linked to warehouse systems, human resources and fixed assets.

System initial settings:

    1. Classifying the services that are not related to the training activity provided by the Institute and defining the prices of its units, with linking each service to the revenue account related to the service.
    2. Indexing the types of training courses, whether they are short or long courses, diploma certificates, specialized courses, higher diplomas, or according to the views of the beneficiary of the system based on the nature of the training activity.
    3. Classifying trainees and students as to whether they are independent individuals, employees, affiliated with their workplaces (customers) or affiliated with government agencies, with the aim of analyzing revenues and contributing to stimulating marketing and to enable the financial management to know more analyzes in customers’ current accounts.
    4. Defining and indexing professional disciplines to help classify trainees, trainers and training courses.
    5. A file that contains a list of the general terms and conditions that each trainee is required to agree to in order to fulfill the requirements of the relevant official bodies.

    6. Establishing a list of evaluation elements and indicators for trainees and students, another list of evaluation elements and indicators for trainers and lecturers, and a third list of evaluation elements and indicators for training courses.

    7. Classification of all types of official documents necessary for the training activity.

    8. Defining and classifying the materials needed for training courses, such as handbooks, documents, manuals, books, references, consumables, and tools.

    9. Classifying the types of exams related to training courses, whether they are admission tests, monthly exams, quarterly exams, final exams, or graduation projects, with an explanation of each type of these exams, whether they are oral, written, or laboratory (practical exams).

    10. Establishing a special table that shows the maximum number of installments or payments related to the duration of the course, so that it is not allowed to exceed the number of these installments while editing the student’s registration application.

The main functions of the system:

First: The main file of the training courses:

    1. The main record of the course contains the name of the course, the duration and type of the course, the number and date of its accreditation, the accrediting authority for the course, the course fees, the registration fees, the total number of lectures, the time period for each lecture, and the numbering defined for the course, with an explanation of whether installments are allowed for the course fees, and an explanation of the possibility that this course is free for card holders Membership, as well as a clarification of whether the course was academic, theoretical, laboratory, practical, or both, and finally specifying the amount of insurance required to be paid by the trainee in the event that this course includes the delivery of an in-kind contract of number, tools, or materials to the trainee.
    2. The system provides the possibility of the course covering several disciplines to compare it with the specialization of the lecturer or with the specialization that the trainee seeks and which was previously registered in their records.
    3. The course record contains a list of the previous requirements of the courses, if any, to complete the registration application process.

    4. The system provides, through the course record, the possibility of linking all the items of the list of terms and conditions established and defined above, or parts thereof, to the course record, so that the registration applicant can read and approve them.

    5. The system provides identification of the official documents required of the student or trainee to complete the registration process for this course.

    6. Recording and specifying the materials, topics, courses and references for each course, while providing the possibility of determining which of these references or materials are delivered free of charge, delivered as custody, or sold to the trainee within a sales invoice through the list of daily financial movements.

    7. Documenting the desired goals and benefits after completing this course.

Second: The system contains a database that includes detailed data on local, Arab or international institutes that provide services in the field of training for the same activity (joint training).

Third: The file of the trainees (students).

This record contains detailed data about the student and is linked automatically to his account in the customer accounts system.


Fourth: The file of male and female trainers (lecturers and managers of training programs).

    1. The system provides the ability to classify the lecturer as to whether he is an employee of the institute or a contractor with specific working hours, or affiliated with a training agency or a governmental establishment defined within the supplier accounts system, in addition to other detailed data related to his name, nationality, gender, and means of contacting him.
    2. The system enables the identification of scientific and professional specializations for each trainer.
    3. The system enables the identification of the courses that this trainer can implement based on his specializations and the specializations of the previously defined courses.

Fifth: The file of the authorities responsible for approving the courses.

Defining the entity and its contact persons.

Sixth: Detailed data file for subjects, subjects and courses.

A database that contains the classification of the material, its cost, and its selling price, linking it to the inventory file or the fixed assets file, as well as archiving it.

Seventh: Detailed data file for training halls and laboratories.

A database that contains the classification of the halls, their location, the capacity of the trainees, the specialization of the hall, and the determination of the equipment or materials that must be provided during the training.

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