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Advertising Management System

General description of the nature of the system :

This system is considered as the most important system in the field of the nature of the work of press institutions in terms of being the most important financial resources for them, and we have sought through this system to provide all the capabilities of data and programs that help those in charge and workers in advertising management to facilitate implementation and control of daily advertisement reservations and follow-up starting from the marketing stage Then the sales steps represented by the initial reservation, then the confirmed, and the final issuance of the electronic publishing order and its invoice And the accompanying these steps of the possibility of documenting and preserving the shape and final design of the advertisement as it actually appeared in the issued issue of the publication so that it is referred to as an archive stored and indexed according to the issue and the advertised customer.

The system provides the possibility of recording the data and prices of advertisements of local, Arab and international competing newspapers and their pricing policies in what we call a data bank, in addition to fixing the pricing policies of the organization’s advertisements according to the advertisement’s locations within the publication, its number of colors and its area.This system also takes into account the possibility of concluding extended advertising deals on schedules and time periods with customers by signing annual contracts or for a specific period, explaining in them all the conditions that must be considered, such as specifying areas, locations, number of colors of advertisements, the number of times of appearances daily, weekly or monthly, and linking these contracts with reservation orders for numbers future and issuing electronic publishing orders automatically when each issue is issued automatically, as well as being automatically invoiced or not being invoiced if the payment method for this contract was pre-scheduled in the contract in monthly installments or for specific periods of time that are due on their due dates.

This system also provides the possibility of dealing with multiple advertising agencies or with the exclusive agent, if any, and monitoring the balances of these agencies automatically through the system. The system provides advertisement sales reports and their comparisons according to representatives, direct advertisers, or advertising agencies, and links all of this data to financial affairs by editing automated accounting entries for all advertising system movements instead of entering these entries manually if this system is not applied.

This system is distinguished through its programs by providing the following characteristics and capabilities:

    1. Defining and indexing the pages that make up the publication and indexing them according to their specialization.
    2. Defining the data of the basic tables of the system for the different types of prices for advertisements according to locations, colors and areas.
    3. Indexing topics and types of advertising materials and categorizing them vertically according to the main and sub-groups emanating from them, related to statistics and reports necessary for marketing.
    4. Definition of advertising representatives and their clients and their maximum discount rates and powers.
    5. Follow-up field visits to the achievements of delegates and organize their appointments for clients.
    6. Recording the data of advertising agencies and providing the necessary reports on their general and financial data and comparing their monthly production volume, according to advertising materials and their payments.
    7. Providing the ability to record advertising price data for competing newspapers and publications and compare them through printed or visual reports, thus helping the marketing department to provide estimated sales budgets and forecast sales volume.

    8. Providing the possibility of recording the volume of annual advertising expenditures through the Marketing Department and distributing them according to topics, advertising materials and geographical regions, and providing the ability to define the objectives of the institution and its estimated sales distributed to delegates, branches, customers and advertising agencies, as well as according to advertising topics and materials.

    9. The system contains a list of daily variable programs for amending the data of agencies, delegates, advertisers, and agency contracts, and keeping these variables or modifications so that we can know the date of modification and the data before and after the modification.

    10. The system contains a list of programs for daily movements related to the activity of the Marketing and Sales Department, starting with recording advertising price offers, as well as requests for advertisers or advertising agencies, documenting and following them up, either by canceling or confirming the reservation, following up on the related financial matters such as advance payments, and completing them by paying the rest of the dues, taking into account Considering the classification of advertised customers in terms of the method of payment, whether it is cash or credit, as well as the classification of credit if they are commercial or industrial companies, individuals, suppliers or government.

    11. Recording contract data for advertisers with advertising campaigns and setting schedules for the dates, types, locations and areas of advertisements, as well as determining schedules for the payments due for these contracts, their dates and amounts.

    12. Editing electronic publishing orders based on advertisement reservations or contracts for clients, reviewing and confirming them, and thus billing them.

    13. Providing the possibility of saving and storing advertisements after their issuance and indexing them according to the number issued, the customer and the representative.

    14. Electronic publishing order billing program and the effect of the invoice automatically on the customer’s account statement, as well as editing the accounting entries for the customer’s invoice.

    15. Programs for financial notices on customer invoices after their issuance and editing automatically.

    16. Statistics and comparisons of sales reports and advertisements at the level of the branch, delegate, advertiser and advertising agency.

    17. Reporting programs that represent daily, monthly and annual sales analyzes indexed according to the topics and materials of advertisements and according to delegates, clients, advertising agencies or branches, and the analysis here is at the level of each publication order (ad).

    18. Programs that compare the actual and estimated reports of the monthly advertising sales volume at the level of the representative, client, advertising agent and branch.

    19. Graphing programs that show comparisons of advertising sales at the level of topics and advertising materials, as well as at the level of each representative, customer, agent, and branch.

    20. Special programs for monitoring the reserved and unreserved areas of the current or upcoming issues, as well as programs that show the volume of wasted sales in the issued issues.

    21. Special programs for marketing studies of actual advertisements in local or Arabic newspapers, showing the volume of advertising expenditures in the local and Arab markets.

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