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Accounts Payables System

Important Features :

  • Classification and indexing of suppliers so that we can open accounts for suppliers according to different activities if the company using the system has more than one activity, meaning that this system contains in its database records suppliers of goods, maintenance suppliers, service suppliers, suppliers of fixed assets, and suppliers of subcontractors, while providing the ability to sort between them in all Stages of using the system and in all reports.
  • Providing the ability to open main accounts for large suppliers and those with multiple activities and branches, along with providing the ability to open an analytical account for each branch or activity under the umbrella of the supplier’s main account, and determining the grace period and credit limit for each analytical account of the main supplier’s accounts.

  • The system contains the ability to record suppliers’ service invoices after classifying the types of these services by the user and according to the needs of the customer using the system, while providing an easy possibility to link each type of these services to its expense account, and by entering these invoices the user can determine the cost centers To calculate the expense, the time period related to this expense, and the method of paying these bills.
  • The system contains the ability to record supplier invoices for consumable materials after classifying the types of these materials by the user and according to the needs of the customer using the system, while providing an easy possibility to link each type of classified consumables to its expense account, and the user can, during entering these invoices, specify Cost centers to calculate the expense, the time period related to this expense, and the method of paying these bills.
  • The system provides all reports on suppliers’ accounts (account statements, trial balances, balance aging reports, etc.) at the level of the supplier’s main account, as well as analytical accounts for each main account.
  • This system is considered a mandatory requirement for procurement, insurance, machinery management and maintenance systems, project management system, real estate management system, technical production system, documentary credits system, car rental system, and warehouse system.
  • Documenting any amendment to the supplier’s data record is done through an administrative transaction that documents the data that was modified before and after the amendment, the user who made the amendment, and the date and time of the amendment.


Data flow in the supplier accounts system

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