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Arts Production System

General description of the nature of the system :

This system contains a set of lists of partial systems, which in their entirety deal with the administrative, technical and financial procedures related to the profession of artistic production, so that it provides the facility specialized in this work with the ability to complete the stages of artistic production professionally and with high control over the quality and cost associated with the production of any work, and this system also provides A lot of time to complete the tasks and procedures for each stage of production, and the database of this system contains many basic files in the form of a specialized information bank to help in making decisions to choose social issues, ideas, hot topics, or stories suitable for society, which are the nucleus of work that begins with commissioning the book Editing his own script and dialogue.
This system also provides, through its basic databases, the ability to select the cast for the roles of action figures and filming locations automatically in a manner that is very accurately proportional to the action figures and their specifications compared to the database of artists and actors, the database of filming locations, their descriptions and prices. This system contains two separate parts of the systems and programs, with the provision of a linking mechanism between them because the second part depends on the first part, and they are as follows:

Part One :

An independent system that is the entrance and founder of the second part of it. It was developed using databases and programming language from Microsoft products. It works independently from the network of users of the integrated system. It can be installed and run on any mobile device or desktop device of the writer in order to enable the writer to edit the script and dialogue to work in place. And the appropriate time for this work. This part of the system contains databases that are homogeneous with the databases of the second part of it, so that it facilitates the process of migration and transfer of texts for works between the two parts. This part contains the following functions and processors:

  1. Cataloging the types of works, personalities, main and secondary decorations, places and times of filming scenes.
  2. Editing the texts for the serial scenes of the work, by opening automatic pages for each scene, enabling the writer to determine the time and place of filming the scene and the main and secondary decoration, as well as editing the scenario and dialogue details for each character of the scene.
  3. Providing the ability to automatically identify the accessories that are mentioned in the scenario for each scene, so that we can later automatically unload the accessories and link them to their respective scenes.
  4. Providing the possibility of automatic displacement and transfer of viewer data or the work as a whole from the Microsoft database (the independent device) to the central database Oracle on the central system so that the technical production management specialists can review the texts and complete the following procedures for writing the text.

  5. Providing the ability to automatically read the texts of previously written works from the office program files and automatically migrate them to be recorded on the records of the Microsoft databases of the mobile device, in order to quickly use the previously written texts from other writers.

Part Two :

The comprehensive and integrated system, of which the first part is one of its components, rather it is considered the first stage of technical production stages. This part of the system was developed using Oracle databases and programming languages ​​after an extensive study of the nature of this activity, so that this part of the system was divided into a group of specialized work lists according to The nature of the tasks of the different departments involved in the production process, as follows:

Production management for artwork.

The program list of this department implements the following functions and procedures:

      1. Establishing and defining the basic data for production management in terms of defining catalogs for business types, categories, topics, types of texts, types of display means, categories of viewers, types, categories and specifications of personalities participating in the works, as well as a definition of all types of main and analytical cost centers for business, as well as defining filming locations, types of contracts, their materials and conditions, and finally Determine the sequence of stages of implementation of the works.
      2. Recording detailed data for each work and linking it to its accounts with the general accounting system, while providing the possibility of entering an approved budget for the work.
      3. Recording detailed data for the participants in the artworks, with the possibility of making an automatic evaluation of these participants.
      4. Determining the names and jobs of the participants in each work, as well as defining the names of personalities related to each work and the connections and relations between these personalities during the work events.
      5. Defining the data of the artistic production companies, their employees, their jobs and their nationalities.
      6. Recording, reviewing and approving technical talent data.
      7. Providing the possibility of recording the executive plan for production at the beginning of each fiscal year.
      8. Editing the contracts of participants in technical works and service contracts, monitoring their entitlements, invoicing these dues and disbursing their payments.
      9. Inspection of filming locations.
      10. Receipt of photographic tapes.
      11. montage.

Production cost accounts section.

The program list of this section performs the following functions and procedures:

      1. Defining the types of cost accounts, billing them, and methods of charging them to the business.
      2. Recording the records of the employees involved in the business and providing the possibility of excluding an employee from the records of the business participants.
      3. Allocating the cost of employees participating in the work to the total work costs, and then reviewing and approving them by the Production Cost Accounts Section.
      4. Providing possibilities for adjusting the periods of employee participation in work, as well as adjusting the percentage of the employee’s load on work.

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