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+1 -800-456-478-23

Medical Insurance System

System functions and features:

  • Providing the possibility of coding men's jobs and coding women's jobs according to the numbers used in the health insurance institution.
  • Indexing and classification of the types of major and sub-medical specialties according to the classification used in the Health Insurance Corporation.
  • Indexing and classifying medical insurance cards and defining their prices according to age groups and gender.
  • Indexing and classification of all types of medical services associated with medical insurance.

  • Registration of insurance contracts and policies with medical insurance companies, including all employee data and grades of their cards, and the mechanism of charging the expenses of each card, whether on cost centers, on employees, or on various receivables.
  • Providing the possibility of adding employees to the insurance policy during the policy period, automatically calculating the value of the added insurance card based on its start date, and issuing an automatic financial credit note in favor of the medical insurance company.

  • Providing the possibility of canceling employees from the insurance policy during the policy period and automatically calculating the value of the canceled cards according to the laws of the health insurance institution and issuing a financial notice owed to the medical insurance company.

  • Providing the possibility of recording replacement requests submitted to the insurance company in the event that the employee was treated outside the Kingdom or outside hospitals and clinics accredited by the insurance company.

  • Print or view the policy data, including the names and data of the employees, the degrees of the insurance cards for each employee and the card number. This report can be requested at the level of the group, branch, department, department, or even at the level of job title or nationality.

  • Printing a report with the names and cards of the employees who were added to the policy after the policy commencement date or during a specific period of time. This report can be printed by specifying the group, branch, department, department, job title, nationality, gender or card grade.

  • Print a report of the names of the employees and their cards who have been canceled or deducted from the policy after the date of the start of the policy or during a specific period of time. This report can be printed by specifying the group, branch, department, department, job title, nationality, gender or card grade.

  • All the reports mentioned above and other reports are subject to and take into account the arrangement of data according to the requirements of the health insurance institution in terms of the numbers and codings approved by them.

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